Ramesh Kumar

Senior Ruby on Rails Developer

© 2023. All rights reserved.

Enable ajax functionalify for datatables on rails

This is part 2 of a 2-part tutorial series.

In this part two of this tutorial we will going to tech you have to enable Datatables with ajax functionality to our html table.

To enable datatables we have to two things

  1. Generate custom datatable configuration file

  2. Configure custom datatable configuration file for your model

  3. Initialize datatables on the following files

(for this example we are going to work on user related files witch we already created on previous part of this tutorial)

Generate custom datatable configuration file

rails generate datatable User

This will generate a file named user_datatable.rb in app/datatables.

Configure custom datatable configuration file for your model(my case the file is user_datatable.rb)

Before making any change the file will look like this

# uncomment the appropriate paginator module,
# depending on gems available in your project.
# include AjaxDatatablesRails::Extensions::Kaminari
# include AjaxDatatablesRails::Extensions::WillPaginate
# include AjaxDatatablesRails::Extensions::SimplePaginator

def sortable_columns
  # list columns inside the Array in string dot notation.
  # Example: 'users.name'
  @sortable_columns ||= []

def searchable_columns
  # list columns inside the Array in string dot notation.
  # Example: 'users.name'
  @searchable_columns ||= []
def data

For this example project i have these requirements

I need searchable on these two attributes

  1. name
  2. phone

And i need sortable columns for these two

  1. name
  2. phone

And i would like to print the following attributes on the table

  1. name
  2. phone
  3. address

And i am using kaminari for pagination

After making changes my UserDatatable.rb file will look like this

class UserDatatable < AjaxDatatablesRails::Base
  # uncomment the appropriate paginator module,
  # depending on gems available in your project.
  include AjaxDatatablesRails::Extensions::Kaminari
  # include AjaxDatatablesRails::Extensions::WillPaginate
  # include AjaxDatatablesRails::Extensions::SimplePaginator

  def sortable_columns
    # list columns inside the Array in string dot notation.
    # Example: 'users.name'
    @sortable_columns ||= ['users.name' ,'users.phone']

  def searchable_columns
    # list columns inside the Array in string dot notation.
    # Example: 'users.name'
    @searchable_columns ||= ['users.name' ,'users.phone']


  def data
    records.map do |record|

  def get_raw_records


Initialize datatables on the following files

Initialize on view file (app/views/users/index.html.erb)

<table id="users-table", data-source="<%= users_path(format: :json) %>">
      <th colspan="3"></th>

Initialize on controller index action on this file (app/controllers/users_controller.rb)

  def index
    respond_to do |format|
      format.json { render json: UserDatatable.new(view_context) }

Initialize js on this file (app/assets/javascripts/users.js.coffee)

$ ->
    processing: true
    serverSide: true
    ajax: $('#users-table').data('source')
    pagingType: 'full_numbers'

Congratulations Now when you visit the app in your browser, at http://localhost:3000, you should see this:

image from imgur

You have successfully integrated and enabled datatables on your project . Thank you for reading .